University Library of Southern Denmark - LibGuides
In most cases you can use the library's website to find to find a specific article to your study or your assignment/project.
Search on the title of the article in the search box on our website
It is a good idea to complete your search for information by using one of our newspaper databases. Here you can find comments on companies and industries, as well as information on key persons in companies. This can give you an idea of what the outside world thinks of the company.
The database Business Source Complete is particularly good for finding journals on business economy. It also gives access to many industrial periodicals and magazines. Journal articles that you find here can give you information on businesses, products, and industries. There are also peer-reviewed academic journals.
Infomedia - Denmark
ONLY IN DANISH: Full-text newspaper articles from all Danish newspapers. Use it for finding press coverage of companies and people (CEO, members of boards etc .)
Retriever – Sweden and Norway
Full-text articles from Swedish and Norwegian newpapers, journals and trade magazines.
PressReader - World-wide
Full-text articles from more than 5.000 newspapers from 100 countries for the latest three months. The original printed versions are displayed in digital replica format.
LexisNexis - World-wide
Full-text articles from international newspapers and news agencies. You can find press coverage of companies.
Danish National Research Database
Contains both information on current projects and literature on finished research since 1988. From 2001, research publications from the University of Southern Denmark are registered in the Danish National Research Database, and you can search specifically for them.
Business Source Complete - World-wide
Academic peer reviewed articles in full-text from academic business economics journals. Includes country reports from EIU as well.
Emerald - World-wide
Articles in management and library and information services, engineering, applied science and technology.
The World Advertising Research Center (WARC) is a comprehensive advertising and marketing information database. WARC provides articles on advertising, marketing, brands and campaigns. It includes case studies, marketing intelligence, best practice guides, consumer insight, industry trends, trends in TV viewing, newspapers and other media, profiles of major brand owners and more. WARC also publishes leading journals including Admap, Market Leader, the Journal of Advertising Research and the International Journal of Market Research.
Articles on economics issues including: capital markets, country studies, econometrics, forecasting, environmental economics, adjustment, labour market economics, monetary theory and urban economics.
Who cites whom? Identify connections in English-language scholarly literature based on references and citations. The database has a slight European bias.
Web of Science
Who is citing whom? Use this database to identify article inter-connectedness based on references and citations. The database has a slight American bias.
Sage Research Methods
Books, journal articles, dictionaries, encyclopedias and videoes of methodological concepts in social sciences.
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences The largest corpus of knowledge about the social and behavioral sciences in existence, published in its second edition in 2015. Contains about 4.000 articles on various subjects and prominent researchers (including researchers from SDU) within all social science disciplines, including psychology.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences
This encyclopedia combines philosophy and the social sciences. It is an excellent resource for definitions of key terms from anthropology, social theory, and the philosophy of science, among other things.
University Library of Southern Denmark Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg +45 6550 2100 |